
Kevin 11

Commissioned by Cameron Parker

Ultimate Kevin

Commissioned by Cameron Parker


Commissioned by Ryan Code


Commissioned by Alex Gautreaux

Slack O’ Mander

Commissioned by SLM Comicart

Scissor Kick

Commissioned by Eliza Puckett

Ultimate Swampfire

Commissioned by Zachary Meyer

Ultimate Spidermonkey

Commissioned by Cameron Parker

Contact Me.

If you’d like to commission me on whatever idea you have, please let me know in the message box on the side. I will get back to you as soon as possible for further instructions.

Price information is down below.

Commissions Prices


Black and White

These commissions are primarily black and white with simplistic designs. The art piece can be any type of sketch, inked, or airbrush style. Only colours are black and white.


Full Colour

Fully digital art piece with both coloured subjects and coloured shading. The price will vary somewhat depending on the complexity of the piece. There is little to no background on piece.


Pieces with Background

Fully detailed art piece with not only fully coloured subjects with shading, but also detailed background upon commissioners request. The price will vary somewhat depending on the complexity of the piece.