Zerox is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Clode~Hinc from the planet Simildem.
Height - 4 Ft
Body - Quadruped
Object Duplication - Zerox can eat any object and then duplicate it through his many tubes. His duplication appears to have no limit as he can continuously digest and clone without tiring. If Zerox makes a copy of a person, this person will keep the personality traits of the original, but will be under Zerox's control.
Enhanced Dexterity - Zerox can use the tubes on his head to climb and walk, granting him extra mobility.
Sharp Teeth - Zerox’s teeth can comp through virtually any surface with ease. This helps with consuming matter to duplicate.
Inferior Clones - Zerox's clones are always weaker than the original in some way, usually being relative to how many clones are made, though there is no exact formula to determine how much weaker the clones are.
Week Frame - Zerox does not have much strength, speed, or durability, so he relies on being able to clone things or people.
Originally created by Alanomaly