Zero-G is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Planxus from the Syndras Nebula.
Height - 6 Ft
Body - Mechanical Circle
Inanimation Beams - Zero-G can project green beams from his hands and energy sphere that encases whatever it’s fired at in energy that holds them in place. This energy can restrict objects, energy, and people, freezing them in place.
Gravitational Disable - Zero-G can affect the gravity around him to become non-existent, making things and people around him float uncontrollably.
Energy Beams - Zero-G’s beams can also be doubled as concussive energy blasts.
Flight - Due to his control of gravity, Zero-G can also levitate.
Electro-Magnetic Pulse - His powers can be disrupted by large electrical currents and EMPs.