• XLR8 is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Kineceleran from the planet Kinet.

    Height - 5 Ft 6 In Body - Velociraptor

  • Extreme Speed - XLR8 can move at extremely fast speeds, reaching between mach 2 and 5 in seconds, allowing him to run so fast that he appears invisible to the naked eye, run on water, and spin fast enough to create tornadoes. His top speed is recorded to reach Mach 10.

    Fast Reaction Timing - His reaction timing is fast to the point of seeming precognitive, allowing him to attack in rapid succession and preform various tasks simultaneously.

    Sharp Claws - His claws and elbow talons are extremely sharp, able to slice through concrete with momentum and crawl on walls.

    Prehensile Tail - He can use his tail to trap onto objects like a limb.

  • Slippery Surfaces - XLR8's speed does not work on all surfaces, like ice or strong adhesives, which can slow him down. His tail could be held down to keep him in place and his legs can be tripped awkwardly as they are feet on balls.

    Speed Control - If XLR8 goes too fast, the momentum will overcome him and cause him to be unable to turn directions as well.

    Lack of Fingers - XLR8's claws are not very articulated, so he has trouble gripping onto objects and doing more dexterous activities.

XLR8 with his mask