Voo-Dude is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Lilocha from the planet Wahaii.
Height - 9 In
Body - Humanoid Doll
Puppet Mastery - Voo-Dude is a small doll-esque alien that shoots his pins at anyone take control over motor functions of beings, whether living, dead or objects as if they were a marionette. He can even talk through them like a ventriloquist.
Small Size - He is 9 inches tall, so his tiny body allows him to jump really high, squeeze into small spaces and dodge large attacks.
Pain Resilience/Regeneration - Voo-Dude’s felt body is impervious to pain and contortion. He can even be stabbed with little discomfort.
Sharp Points - His pins are incredibly shrap. Piercing through bodies like they’re nothing and even able to stick themselves through metal.
Lack of Speech - Voo-Dude can't speak at all, putting Ben at a communication disadvantage whenever he turns into this alien. Unless he controls someone.
Small Size- Voo-Dude is too small for combat against much larger opponents, making him unsuitable for physical battle.
Fragile Body - Voo-Dude's body is not very durable, although he can regenerate fast.