Trilumphant is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Jumburian from the planet Alfos.
Height - 14 Ft
Body - Humanoid Elephant
Enhanced Strength - Trilumphant is a large elephant-like alien with a tremendous amount of strength. Able to crush a car with his bare hands in seconds and rip through metal as if it were paper. His trunk can also support the weight of several people.
Enhanced Durability - His thick skin is durable enough to withstand bullets and lasers.
Sharp Tusks - His tusks are incredibly tough and sharp, able to pierce through solid steel and stab through concrete.
Enhanced Hearing - His ears are able to pick up sounds that most species can’t hear themselves. As his ears elevate the amount of sound within the area, he can hear sounds as quiet as a mosquito over a mile away.
Trunk Suction - His trunk can suck up liquid like a vacuum, storing it until he shoots it out like a fire hose.
Large Size - Trilumphant is roughly 14 feet tall, so his size can be a hindrance on himself if he’s trying to hide in small places, it also limits his mobility a bit.
Sensitive Hearing - His enhanced hearing will amplify sonic pitches and thus make him feel uncomfortable with loud noises.
Trunk Breathing Control - If his trunk is blocked or tied up, it would be difficult for him to breathe and suck.