
  • Toepick is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of the only living Animalgus Degoutant created by Dr. Aloysius Animo.

    Height - 7 Ft 5 In Body - Humanoid Ogre

  • Disgust Inducement - Toepick’s face and overall appearance is so disgustingly gross, it can make people whoever looks at him feel disgusted or intense repulsion. His appearance is designed to repulse all of the main senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell) by any means necessary (bad smell, tasteless aroma, slimy skin, ect).

    Overwhelming Odour - Toepick emits and extremely foul smell, mostly concentrated from his armpits, feet, and breath. He can use this to stun enemies and even knock them out unconscious. Is stench can also be flammable if focussed.

    Acid Generation - Toepick can vomit a rich acidic substance from his mouth, capable of melting most metals and stone upon impact.

    Snot/Sludge Generation - Along with generating acid, Toepick can also generate sticky slime from his hands, nose, horns, and in between his toes. With this, he is able to trap any enemy like a web and glue objects together.

    DNA Indexing - Toepick’s DNA is a concoction of multiple animals from Earth and different aliens. Making him the genetic bank for about 347 different non-sapient species.

  • Unbalanced Weight - Toepick’s body is very bottom heavy, as a result he is very  slow and not agile at all. This could also make him loose balance when he’s not careful.

    Emotionless Beings - Beings that lack sapient emotion or survival instincts, such as drones and robots, would be immune to Toepick's face and smell as well. However, it would invoke some sort of defensive reaction from them.

    Bystanders - Ben’s friends and allies are always disgusted by Toepick, making him as much a liability as he is a benefit, is. Ben must be careful when using this form, otherwise he’d disgust his friends to the point of sickness.