The Void
The Void is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Pae Sadilla from an unknown planet.
Height - 50 Ft
Body - Multi-Limbed Mass
Dark Matter Generation - The Void can generate dark matter globs from his body, which can twist and contort regular matter. His matter and the universe tend to repel each other so this often results in reality distorting and deteriorating.
Space Survivability - The Void is able to survive in the vacuum of space without issue, while also having no need for oxygen.
Nightmare Inducement - Being too close to The Void or his dark matter for too long causes wild hallucinations and can twist the mind, affecting one's mental balance. Given enough time, their mind could be completely demolished.
Dark Matter - Due to the properties of The Void and his dark matter, he can be very dangerous to those around him.
Monstrous Voice - The Void is unable to communicate in spoken language, instead producing horrific screeches and screams.
Originally created by Ryan Asher