Swampfire is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Methanosian from the planet Methanos.
Height - 7 Ft 5 In
Body - Humanoid Plant
Fire Projection - Swampfire can ignite methane in his palms like a flamethrower to shoot fireballs, streams of fire, and even fly through jet-propulsion.
Chlorokinesis - He can generate gasses and mud to mutate and control nearby plant-life, the seeds on his body can be used as weapons to grow giant tentacle-like vines to trap enemies and lift heavy objects.
Regeneration - Due to being a plant organism, he can regenerate and regrow any damaged or destroyed body parts, allowing him to grow back lost limbs, holes in his body, or even his head.
Density Control - His body can change its density to be either soft enough to be like mud or strong enough to be like a tree/rock.
Regeneration Prevention - Although he can regenerate extremely quickly from almost anything, he can be prevented from doing so if repeatedly attacked.
Strong Smell - The methane he generates has a pungent smell that puts off most species and prevents him to hide.