Stompasaurus is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Framlasaurian from the planet Terradino.
Height - 30 Ft
Body - Qadruped Dinosaur
Extendable Body Parts - Stompasaurus is a large dinosaur alien that can extend his neck and tail to around five times its original length.
Enhanced Strength - Stompasaurus displays a tremendous amount of strength. Able to lift and throw heavy objects (such as trucks, boulders, and ships) up to a high altitude, even into near-earth orbit.
Enhanced Durability - Stompasaurus’ skin is covered in highly durable scales with practically bulletproof armor. His skin is durable enough to withstand fire, heavy impacts, and even a fall from orbit.
Large Size - Due to his large size, he is incredibly slow and combined with his naturally large physique, it makes him a very easy target for enemy attacks.
Tangled Limbs - Enemies can twist his neck and tail into knots if he is not careful.v