Statter is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of an Anomalite from the planet Plasmo.
Height - 7 Ft (Variable)
Body - Amorphis Humanoid
Body Phase Alteration - Statter can alter his polymorphic body or parts of it between the three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas. This grants him multiple abilities and features that are associated with these states
Enhanced Strength - Both his liquid and solid states grant him tremendous strength and durability. Being able to throw cars, become bullet proof, crush steel, and punch through stone.
Liquid Physiology - Statter can become as loose as water, turning into a large wave of purple liquid to wash enemies away. He can also fire out a stream of liquid like a hose from his hands.
Intangibility - When Statter becomes gaseous, he grants some form of intangibility where his molecules are so far apart, objects and people will just pass through him like a cloud.
Flight - His gaseous state grants him the power of flight, he can lift his solid and liquid forms whilst flying.
Solid Head - His uniform, head, and Omintrix symbol always remain solid, which is a weak spot that enemies can exploit by removing it in a more fragile state.
Elemental Vulnerability - His gaseous form is susceptible to strong winds, his solid form is vulnerable to shattering, and his liquid form can be frozen or boiled, so Ben must be careful when choosing his states.
Originally created by Ghost