Squidstrictor is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Cephalod-ae from the planet Molluskus.
Height - 6 Ft
Body - Cephalapod
Malleable Tentacles - Squidstrictor possesses multiple elastic tentacles that he can use to stretch with virtually no limit, growing and compacting however he wishes. They also possess powerful griping and incredible crushing abilities.
Mana Detection - His tentacles can detect the Mana (Life Force) of any object. Making it useful to track anything.
Underwater Breathing - Squidstrictor is able to breathe underwater through his gills as well as normal air for a certain amount of time.
Enhanced Flexibility - Squidstrictor has no bones and thus can contort his body to fit into small spaces.
Ink Generation - Squidstrictor is able to shoot a sticky jet stream of ink from his tentacles and mouth that can blind or slow down enemies.
Light Sensitivity - Due to his species’ dark environment, Squidstrictor is very sensitive to bright lights and even sunlight.
Overpowered Tentacles - Squidstrictor can get his tentacles tangled easily.