Snailcut is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Zanchesian from the Extrus Dimension.
Height - 2 Ft
Body - Snail
Dimensional Housing - Snailcut can store items and people within his shell that’s connected to a pocket dimension with infinite spacing. He does this by curling himself over or around the object and sucking it into his shell, leaving it there for however long he wishes. He himself can go into the dimension as well.
Durable Shell - His shell is virtually indestructible as it is made of an unknown element. Therefor he can hide in his shell completely for extra protection, as well as hide other people inside to protect them.
Slippery Slime - He secretes a mucus that is very slippery and slimy.
Slow Mobility - Snailcut moves incredibly slow on his own, clocking in at 1 m/ph. He often leaves behind a slime trail.
Small Size - Snailcut is around two feet tall. This combined with his slow speed makes him really ineffective in battle.
Slippery Slime - His slime can be a hazard to allies around him.
Sodium Chloride - Normal table salt burns his skin and can make him incredible sick if digested. Salt water has less effect on him but it still hurts.