Smojo is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Boov from the planet Boovworld (Alternate Universe).
Height - 2 Ft 2 In
Body - Cephalopod
Skin Pigment Change - Smojo’s skin can change to a variety of colours based on his emotional state. Red being angry, yellow being scared, pink being happy, and so on. He can control these colours mentally.
Fexible Body - Smojo’s bones are made of cartilage, thus being able to morph his body and squish it in tight places. His body can absorb kinetic energy and make him resistant to pain.
Wall Crawling - Smojo’s feet have suction cups on them, allowing him to stick to walls.
Small Size - His small frame places a problem with large opponents, making him an incredibly ineffective fighter.
Lack of Melody Resistance - If Smojo listens to music, his body automatically dances to the rhythm, making him uncontrollably dance and wave.