Slapback is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of an Ekoplektoid from the planet Ekoplekton.
Height - 4 Ft (Variable)
Body - Humanoid Amphibian
Self Duplication - Slapback is capable of duplicating himself to an unknown degree when his back is struck. This can also be accomplished whenever Slapback applies sufficient pressure on his own back. The clones are not linked in any way and can act independently from one another.
Size Manipulation - Each time he duplicates, the resulting Slapback clones become twice as small as the original size. Shrinking the more he clones.
Strength Enhancement - The Slapback clones gain extra strength and durability by a double amount. Becoming stronger the further he shrinks and multiplies.
Rubbery Body - Slapback’s body is extremely rubbery, allowing him to jump high and bounce around like a ball.
Involuntary Duplication - Slapback is unable to control his duplicating powers, as each strike on his back forces him to duplicate unwillingly. These clones can’t be brought back together unless all of the clones slap their back at the same time.
Dense Body - The combined weight and mass of each set of Slapback clones may cause issues to his surroundings. This is due to his metal body being highly denser the more he duplicates, which limits how many he can reasonably make but at the same time reducing the risk of copies being harmed.