Sky-Crawler is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Dragon from the planet Drek’ Tanyi.
Height - 25 Ft
Body - Quadruped-Winged Reptile
Fire Breath - Sky-Crawler is a large dragon-alien that can shoot streams of fire from his mouth, spreading the flame out to a whole field in seconds. He can even increase the temperature of his fire, changing the colour to blue.
Flight - Sky-Crawler can fly through the air using his huge wingspan. He can manoeuvre through the air with great agility and accelerates to great speeds on par with most Earth planes.
Invulnerability - Sky-Crawler’s armoured scales are nearly impenetrable and highly resistant to damage, high temperatures, and weaponry.
Superhuman Strength - Sky-Crawler is around 25 ft tall. As such his large size is shown to grant him practically incalculable brute strength.
Longevity - Sky-Crawler’s life span is similar to Galvans, allowing him to live at least 1000 years longer than humans.
Durability Limit - Whilst his scales are incredibly tough, some materials and weaponry can penetrate it with enough force, as well as hitting the right weak spots.
Strong Winds - Strong winds can prevent Sky-Crawler from using his fire breath, depending on its intensity.