Scuddle is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Flerginian from the planet Soog.
Height - 1 Ft 3 In
Body - Shelled Cephalopod
Elastic Tentacles - Scuddle’s shell contains a large mass of tentacles that can expand out of the shell to unbelievable lengths. These tentacles are strong enough to lift a bus effortlessly.
Durable Shell - Scuddle’s shell is virtually indestructible as it is made of an unknown element. Therefore he can hide in his shell completely for extra protection.
Adaptive Breathing - Scuddle can breathe underwater as well as on air for extended periods of time.
Slow Movement - Despite his tentacles, Scuddle is incredibly slow by himself, only able to move at 1 Km/h.
Scuddle with Tentacles