Sandbox is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Granvelian from the planet Terrascava.
Height - 6 Ft (Variable)
Body - Malleable Sand
Sand Manipulation - Sandbox is a being completely composed of sand. He is able to maintain his cellular composition whilst controlling his sand as well as the sand he absorbs, making him grow in the process.
Elasticity/Shapeshifting - He can stretch, grow, and shapeshift his body in a variety of ways, including absorbing other sand to grow bigger, turn flat, squeeze in small places, and flying in the wind like a sandstorm.
Body Solidification - He can turn his loose sand into incredibly hard sandstone, creating a multitude of structures.
Water - Being an organism composed of sand, water will unintentionally solidify him and make him muddy.
Fire/High Temperatures - High temperatures can turn his sand into glass and potentially shatter.
Vacuum Suction - High vacuums can suck his sand entirely, the Omnitrix is still connected to a solid patch though.