R.G.B. (Radically Great Brush) is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Goff’Vanian from the planet Savnnac.
Height - 6 Ft (Variable)
Body - Amorphous Blob
Paint Generation - R.G.B. can generate and manipulate large quantities of paint from his body. This paint can come in many different colours, even colours not part of the visible spectrum.
Limited Shapeshifting - His gelatinous limbs grant him some shape shifting ability. Such as forming weaponry and morphing to various shapes. He also has limited elasticity.
Frail Body - R.G.B.'s body is incredibly frail. Larger and stronger enemies will overpower him
Extreme Heat - R.G.B.'s paint can be dried by extreme heat, making him hard and brittle.
Originally created by Alex Gautreaux