Rabbatch is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Brassican from the planet Flors Verdance.
Height - 2 Ft
Body - Hare
Edible Body - Rabbatch is a small rabbit-like creature made out of a plant-like substance that’s similar to Earth’s lettuces/cabbages. Thus virtually any species can eat him with full nourishment and protein.
Regeneration - He can instantly regenerate himself when any part of his body has been eaten off, making him a nearly limitless food supply.
Enhanced Speed - He can sprint at a fast rate, building up enough momentum to jump very high.
Enhanced Hearing - His ears are able to pick up sounds that most species can’t hear themselves. As his ears elevate the amount of sound within the area, he can hear sounds as quiet as a mosquito over a mile away.
Small Size - Rabbatch is only 2 feet tall, so larger opponents can be a challenge.
Sensitive Hearing - His enhanced hearing will amplify sonic pitches and thus make him feel uncomfortable with loud noises.