
  • Paralisk is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Gila Manzardill from the planet X’Nelli.

    Height - 5 Ft Body - Quadruped Reptile

  • Paralyzing Venom Generation - Paralisk secretes a paralyzing venom from his body, anybody who touches him gets paralyzed for at least a minute. He can shoot this as a liquid from his mouth to reach far away enemies.

    Slippery Body - Paralisk is covered in a secreted mucus, this makes him incredibly slippery and slick.

    Enhanced Agility - Due to his lizard-like appearance, Paralisk is extremely agile and flexible, able to climb on walls and crawl at a fast pace.

    Poison Immunity - Paralisk is immune to most forms of poison and venom. This includes liquid and gaseous poison that he can breathe.

  • Frail Body - Paralisk’s reptilian body is susceptible to being physically overpowered by stronger opponents, he’s about as strong as a regular human.

    Bystnder Awareness - Paralisk needs to be careful where his poison lands, otherwise he could paralyze his friends and allies.

    Lack of Speech - Paralisk has no teeth or tongue, therefore he cannot speak, malking communication very difficult for him.