
The Omnimatrix, better known as the Omnitrix, is a Level 20 DNA manipulator, created by Azmuth of the Galvan, the smartest being in the Universe. It is the primary device used by Ben Tennyson for his heroic adventures as it grants him the ability to transform into an arsenal of alien creatures.

The Omnitrix was created as a way of allowing other life-forms to understand each other better by physically becoming them. It was also made as a genetic bank for almost every sapient species in the galaxy and several others beyond.

Whilst it was made as a tool for peace, most beings see it as a powerful weapon, especially Vilgax the Conquerer who aspired to build an army of shapeshifting creatures in order to spread his empire and rule the Galaxy. So to compensate, Azmuth sent the device to Earth where it will be delivered to the greatest Plumber in the Galaxy, Max Tennyson. But the pod containing the Omnitrix was knocked off course and was instead found by his grandson, Ben, who uses the device to help people and become a hero.


  • The Omnitrix’s primary feature is to alter the genetic code of the user and thus transform them into a variety of aliens collected across the Universe. The last recorded number of transformations is 1,014,605 DNA samples. But most of them are locked and sorted into playlist sets of 10 aliens each. The Omnitrix transformations are the prime example of the species, being healthiest, strongest, and most versatile for optimum use, it even provides certain species with equipment in order to survive environments not native to their own.

  • The duration of the transformation lasts between 10-15 minutes each. Once the transformation ends, the Omnitrix will begin to flash red accompanied by a beeping sound, then the user will revert back to their normal form.

  • Whilst the transformation lasts for a certain amount of time, the user is able to switch between aliens within the time frame by manually touching the Omnitrix symbol on their body. This can also be used to revert back to their normal form.

  • To combat the time-out feature, the Omnitrix can be placed in a locked state when in transformation. Thus allowing the user to stay as a certain alien for an extended period of time. But it is dangerous to use often as it severely can damage the user.

  • The Omnitrix has multiple ways of operation. Utilising certain numbered codes can activate certain features, locked DNA samples, modes, and even master control access via entering codes on the device, or using voice command.

  • Among its present features, there are several others that can be discovered when given proper study. Such as automatically employing an energy feedback blast to defend against anyone trying to force it off of its owner. A built-in Universal Translator, a two-way communicator, repairing damaged DNA, displaying a hologram map for GPS, as well as being waterproof.

  • The Omnitrix is able to change its appearance to its numerous designs. This can happen when the Omnitrix is not in use for a long period of time, but the user can manually change the design itself.


Azmuth is the inventor of the Omnitrix and is arguably the smartest being in five galaxies (potentially the entire Universe). He is often referred to in respect as “The First Thinker”.

The Omnitrix Five Years after Ben Tennyson found it.


Active Mode

Active Mode is the Omnitrix's default mode. This shows that the Omnitrix is ready for use and nothing is wrong with the functions. Most if not all of the features are available once placed in this mode.

The alien selection process varies, but the most common way to view the unlocked forms is by pressing the front button to pop up the core, thus showcasing the selected alien via a green hologram on top of the faceplate. Twisting the dial until the desired alien is selected, then pressing the core back down to activate the transformation process.

Recharge Mode

When the Omnitrix times out, it goes into Recharge Mode. Since it’s powered by a special self-renewable power supply, it takes around 5-10 minutes to recharge, though it may take more time if tampered with. The mode is used as a security feature so that the user can’t stay as an alien for a long period of time as well as to protect the user from genetic damage.

This mode can be bypassed through a number of ways. If the Omnitrix is the situation of instant destruction, the recharging process will become faster. Certain features like the “Life-Form-Lock-Code” can override the time-out/recharging process. Master Control makes the recharge mode redundant.

DNA Scan Mode

When a new DNA sample has been detected, the Omnitrix will scan the DNA either through physically touching the species, or scanning it from short distance with a holographic scanner beam. When scanning DNA that was previously used or already present in the database, the Omnitrix identifies and matches the scanned DNA, then moves the species to an active playlist.

When uncatalogued DNA is detected near the Omnitrix, it will close its main features until the DNA is scanned. When a new DNA sample is acquired and added, the Omnitrix will access its features again and be ready for use, including the new alien species.

Master Control

The Omnitrix’s most powerful mode is the "Master Control". When activated, it gives the user unlimited transformation time, allowing them to transform using only their thoughts, even switching from alien to alien instantly, no mistransformations, fully deactivates recharge mode, and unlocks every single DNA sample in the Omnitrix database.

Master Control can only be accessed by Azmuth's voice command or by a 1/1000000th chance code.

Self Destruct Mode

During this mode, the Omnitrix gathers potential energy and blows up, along with the user. This mode can create an explosion so powerful, that it can destroy everything in the universe if it is allowed to build up energy for a few days. However, it can also be set for a different amount of time, such as thirty seconds, leading to a small explosion that can only destroy the user.

This mode is used as a last resort and can only be deactivated by Azmuth himself, fully shutting down the Omnitrix and it’s features.