Oddmancer is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Terrasapien from the planet Ascentacore.
Height - 2 Ft 10 In
Body - Humanoid Imp
Enhanced Physiology - Oddmancer possesses enhanced physical characteristics such as increased strength, durability, agility, dexterity and endurance, etc. that far exceed those of humans.
Enhanced Sight - Oddmancer is able to see things from far distances up to 26,400 feet.
Pyrokinesis - Oddmancer has the ability to breathe and hurl fireballs of any size and can hold and manipulate them in his hands.
Infrared Vision - Oddmancer has the ability to detect infrared radiation from living or artificial systems.
Omnilingualism - Oddmancer is able to speak and understand any language in the universe.
Healing Factor - Oddmancer’s can regenerate and heal his cells at an extremely fast rate.
Water - Water is able to extinguish the fire Oddmancer creates.
Cold Temperatures - Extremely cold temperatures can immobilize Oddmancer and prevent him from using his fire.
Scalemite - Scalemites are the natural predator of Terrasapiens.
Originally created by Kris Sumeriski