Nauserate is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of the only living Vertigrus from the planet Illius.
Height - 7 Ft
Body - Humanoid
Vertigo Inducement - Nauserate can mentally induce vertigo and fatigue on a target. Causing confusion, disorientation, nausea, and even unconsciousness. This can disorientate enemies and cause them to become confused and sick.
Viral Infection - By touching, he can infect beings with a unique disease. Including symptoms of fatigue, vomiting, paralysis, hallucination and temporary blindness. This could be used as a form of torture. He is able to remove the virus as well.
Hypnosis - He can hypnotise people into doing what ever he wishes, but he must stare at them directly in the eyes and having good concentration.
Toxin Immunity - He is immune to any form of viral infection, radiation, cell corruption, mental control, toxins, and much more.
Physical Force - Whilst he is immune to many thing, physical force and temperature attacks can hurt him.
Lanky Body - His skinny appearance leaves him physically weak and vulnerable.
Bystanders - Whilst he can control who is infected by his virus, that doesn't stop it from infecting allies around him, succumbing them to the symptoms as well.