Murcky is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Salachi Manzardill from the planet X’Nelli.
Height - 5 Ft
Body - Quadruped Reptile
Acid Breath - Murcky can release a storing cloud of acidic gas from his mouth that can melt most metals and stone with ease. He can also shoot it out as a liquid stream.
Enhanced Agility - Due to his lizard-like appearance, Murcky is extremely agile and flexible, able to climb on walls and crawl at a fast pace.
Enhanced Durability - Murcky’s stone-like skin can withstand bullets and fire with ease. He can use his body as a battering ram to knock down enemies.
Enhanced Strength - Due to his stony skin, Murcky is very strong, able to rip off the roof of a car and fling multiple around with his tail.
Bystander Awareness - Murcky’s acid breath can be a problem for bystanders if he’s not careful.
Catching Breath - Murcky needs to catch his breath if he expels too much gas and acid.