Mudrock is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Lenopan from the planet Ceromis.
Height - 8 Ft (Variable)
Body - Amorphis Humanoid
Malleable Clay-like Body - Mudrock is composed of a liquid/solid substance akin to mud or slime. With this he can shape shift his body into a variety of shapes for situations involving stretching, sticking, dodging, and squeezing.
Shapeshifting - Mudrock can change his form on a cellular level, completely altering his physical appearance, allowing him to mimic other people, animals, and other creatures.
Density Shifting - He can shift his liquid slime to solid rock which increases his density and hardness, thereby converting is appendages into weapons for attacks.
Superhuman Strength - Both his goop body and his stone body grants him tremendous strength when he's either smashing or binding enemies with his own body.
Electricity - His body is super conductive, electricity will cause his body to melt quickly and become an immobilized puddle of mud temporarily.
Low Temperatures - He is susceptible to freezing and cold based attacks, freezing him to a standstill.