Mixer is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Gravick Manzardill from the planet X’Nelli.
Height - 3 Ft 5 In
Body - Quadruped Reptile
Cement Generation - Mixer can generate large amounts of wet cement from his mouth. He can spit this out in a pressurized stream to knock back enemies. This cement dries up relly quick, usually taking 10 seconds to fully harden.
Geokinesis - Mixer can use his mace tail to create string vibrations in the ground, shifting rock and stone to his desire. He can use this in conjunction with his cement for devastating effects.
Durable Body - Mixer’s stone-like body is incredibly durable to most forms of attack. He can survive a fall from a tall building with ease as well as withstanding bullets and lava.
Super Leap - By using his tail, Mixer can launch himself in the air like a catapult. He can even extend his radius to fling enemies and allies long distances.
Small Body - Despite his immense durability, Mixer is only around 3 feet tall, so large opponents can overpower him.
Quick Dry Cement - Since his cement dries really quickly, he needs to be careful of where he spits it. As it could lead to property damage or result in his allies being stuck.