Matchback is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Fermothric from the planet Fermos.
Height - 2 Ft 2 In
Body - Shrew
Fire Generation - Matchback can ignite the quills on his back for a long period of time, coating his back in fire. He can use this to burn enemies with a radius blast and by spinning himself into a living fireball.
Fire Immunity - Due to his abilities, he is naturally immune to all forms of heat and flame, including lava.
Quill Projectiles - Matchback can fire his flaming quills like darts, they're not sharp but they'll still burn.
Enhanced Agility - He can jump extremely high for his small size, able to bounce off multiple surfaces with ease. He can spin himself at a fast rate, combining this with his fire generation turns him into a living fireball.
Enhanced Smell - He can track the scent of any person from a far distance.
Extinguishable Materials - Due to his fire abilities, his flames can be extinguished by water and flame retardants.
Small Size - He is around 2 feet tall, so larger enemies can be a challenge to fight.