Mallowhead is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Lewodan from the planet Lewoda.
Height - 6 Ft 5 In
Body - Humanoid
Force Absorption - Mallowhead is made of a unique substance similar to foam and whipped cream. This allows him to absorb physical blows and stop motion dead in its tracks without gaining pain.
Flight - Mallowhead can float through the air using electromagnetic energy.
Regeneration - Due to his foamy skin, Mallowhead can grow back limbs if they are damaged.
Sticky Skin - Mallowhead’s skin is incredibly adhesive, forcing whoever touches him to get stuck without force.
Fragile Body - Mallowhead’s is not too dissimilar to Earth marshmallows, so his body can be easily susceptible to attack, as well as heavy objects as his strength is less than a human.
Delectable Skin - Whilst they’re not as tasty than their younger counterparts, Lewodans are still quite delicious to most species.