Lockpick is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Serpantede from the planet Nephropredorica.
Height - 10 Ft
Body - Reptilian
Sharp Claws - Lockpick possesses sharp talon-like claws that are really strong which he also uses to crawl on pretty much any surface.
Enhanced Flexibility - His 10 foot long flexible body is able to quickly ensnare enemies by wrapping himself around them and binding his talons, therefor locking them in place. This can also be used as a form of torture through suffocation.
Under Water Breathing - He can breathe underwater and swim at fair speeds.
Strong Jaws - He possesses large jaws that shred even metal and chomp through rock.
Loose Body - His body is susceptible to being tied up by enemies who are smart and quick enough.
Dehydration - He can be severely de-hydrated when in less humid or dry areas, almost to the point of exhaustion.