Jaw Breaker
Jaw Breaker is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Piscciss Braws from the planet Piscciss.
Height - 9 Ft 5 In
Body - Humanoid Fish
Underwater Breathing - Jaw Breaker is able to breathe underwater through his gills.
Fast Swimming - Jaw Breaker’s tail allows him to swim at incredibly fast speeds, easily outpacing jets and other water species’.
Strong Jaws - His teeth are sharp and strong enough to slice through steel with one bite. His jaw can dislocate itself, allowing him to extend his mouth span over triple his head size.
Enhanced Strength - Jaw Breaker can shred through metal and concrete with both his teeth and claws. He is also strong enough to lift a boat with passengers on his back. His skin is durable enough to withstand bullets.
Night Vision - His eyes can see perfectly in pitch black darkness, specifically the depths of the ocean.
Dehydration - Being a purely aquatic alien, Jaw Break can only survive in water. He won’t be able to be above water without dehydrating in a matter of seconds.
High Temperatures - Fire and other high temperature elements will easily incapacitate Jawbreaker if there is no water around.