Guster Buster

  • Guster Buster is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Pluumfifi from the planet Invacuo.

    Height - 7 Ft Body - Humanoid Reptile

  • Aerokinesis - Guster Buster can project powerful gusts of air from the portholes on his hands. These blasts are strong enough to blow away a car across a town.

    Vacuum Air Sacs - In turn, he can also suck in large amounts of air through the same portholes like a vacuum.

    Aerokinetic Absorption - His vacuum suction can also absorb various objects to store within his sacs. The size of the objects can vary from small objects to things as large as chairs.

  • Air Sac Vulnerability - Guster Buster’s air sacs are a weak spot. If enemies strike them he will be in a considerable amount of pain.

    Air Sac Absorption Limitations - Whilst he can store large objects in his sacs, there is a limit to how much they can store at any given time.

Originally Created by DomBombDiggity