Growle is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk (Alternate Universe).
Height - 9 Ft 5 In
Body - Humanoid Beast
Enhanced Strength - Growle is a tall, hairy, beast-like alien that possesses incredible strength. Able to pull arms out of sockets with ease and throw a car at full strength.
Enhanced Agility - Growle’s ape-like body grants him incredible agility. Able to swing through trees and flip over several meters with ease.
Environmental Resistance - Growle displays several layers of fur that can protect him from extreme cold, keeping his body warm for several days. His fur is also beneficial in hot climates and thick jungles,
Expanded Life-Span - Growle’s species can live for several hundred years, expanding Ben’s lifespan upon transformation.
Lack of Speech - Growle can only communicate through growls and roars, giving him a communication disadvantage.
Fire - Growel’s fur is susceptible to fire and explosives, catching on fire upon impacts and burning quickly.