GoLiath is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Chelmydia Menlonia from the planet Towaii.
Height - 20 Ft
Body - Tortoise
Enhanced Strength - GoLiath is a 50 foot long turtle like alien, which grants him tremendous strength, easily able to lift a bus with all six limbs.
Indestructible Amour Plating - He possesses an indestructible shell that he can use for either defence or offence. His shell plates extend around his forearms and head for better protection.
Flight - His main ability is that he can fly at extreme heights at surprisingly fast speeds, this is mainly used to transport a dozen or so people on his back at any time, as well protecting them with his plates.
Shell Formation - He can retract his upper limbs and his head in his shell for extra protection.
Large Size - His large size size can be a disadvantage for hiding or working in small spaces.
Slow Walking Speed - Despite his flying speed, walking on land is very slow for him due to his large size, clocking in under 5 m/ph.
Exposed Skin - His skin is a weak spot for those who can detect them in his neck and arms.