Gold Crush
Gold Crush is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Caratian from the planet Aurum.
Height - 9 Ft
Body - Humanoid
Gold Manipulation - Gold Crush can manipulate his golden body to shapeshifter his limbs into a variety of weapons. Such as hammers, axes, maces, scissors, giant fists, and much more.
Enhanced Strength - Gold Crush’s metallic body grants his tremendous strength, able to crush a car with his bare hands and even stop a speeding truck at full force.
Enhanced Durability - Gold Crush is extremely durable to most weaponry and physical impacts.
Durability Limit - Gold Crush may be durable, but he does have his limits as powerful physical blows can knock him out and even weaken him.
High Temperatures - His metallic body is susceptible to powerful heat and electricity, as it can cause his metal to melt and become unstable.