Flingworm is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of an Annelids from the planet Takwella (Alternate Universe).
Height - 3 Ft 3 In
Body - Insectoid
Enhanced Strength - Despite his small frame, Flingworm can lift over 100 times his own body weight. Able to go toe-to-toe with larger and stronger opponents and bend steel effortlessly.
Enhanced Agility - Fligworm’s body is extremely agile and flexible, able to contort and flex around any obstacle.
Regeneration - Fligworm can regenerate and regrow any damaged or destroyed body parts, allowing him to grow back lost limbs, holes in his body, or even his head.
Wall Crawling - Fligworm can crawl on vertical and upside-down surfaces at fast speeds.
Small Size - Despite his strength, he can be overpowered by multiple larger opponents and even squished by a giant foot.
Durability Limit - Whilst Flingworm does have an exoskeleton, he is still susceptible to damage.