
  • Feedback is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Conductoid from the Teslavorr Nebula.

    Height - 8 Ft 5 In

    Body - Humanoid Reptile

  • Energy Absorption - Feedback can absorb a variety amount of energy from the plugs on his tendrils, tail, or fingers and thereby store it within himself.

    Electricity Generation - He can convert this energy into blue electricity and utilize it for a variety of attacks. Such as lightning bolts, shocking, technology short out, electric balls, and even electrical charged flight via jet-propulsion.

    Tendril Elasticity - His tendrils and tail can stretch a far amount, able to reach sources of energy from afar.

    Enhanced Agility - He is extremely flexible and agile, able to jump and flip really high at surprising speeds, dodging attacks left-right and centre.

    Enhanced Strength - He has some degree of strength when he is charged up, able to lift up a car with some struggle.

    Radiolocation - He can sense the electromagnetic spectrum around him. Allowing him to “smell” radio signals to its source.

  • Limited Energy - Feedback does not have limitless energy; though the Omnitrix automatically provides him with some energy, this can run out, in which case he will have to recharge because the energy within him will deplete with use.

    Vulnerable Tendrils - Feedback's tendrils can be easily pulled on, causing him great discomfort and leaving him stuck in place.

    Energy Release - Feedback has a limit to how much energy he can store, meaning he will have to resort to shooting it all up in the air to avoid any collateral damage.