
  • Dragopede is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Scardabbler from the planet Univonst.

    Height - 10 Ft Body - Winged Arthropod

  • Flight - Dragopede possesses two large bat-like wings that allow him to fly and glide at the speed of an airplane. He can maneuver the air to dodge obstacles and attacks with fast reflexes.

    Wall Crawling - Dragopede’s centipede half grants him the power to scuttle on vertical surfaces at a fast rate. He can virtually crawl on any surface with little-to-no slipping or sliding.

    Enhanced Strength - Dragopede is naturally strong, carrying heavy loads and multiple people whilst he’s flying with no resistance. His skin is a naturally durable hide that makes him fireproof.

    Fire Breath - Dragopede can breathe fire from his mouth as well as shoot fireballs from there too.

  • Durability Limit - Despite his fireproof skin, Dragopede can be harmed by more powerful blows and electricity.

    Strong Smells - Dragopede is sensitive to strong smells and toxins.