Curse Binder
Curse Binder is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Necron from the mystical realm of Legerdomain.
Height - 15 Ft
Body - Humanoid Deer
Mana Generation/Manipulation - Curse Binder can manipulate a unique energy called mana, as his body is literally made of it. Using it to make force fields and shoot laser beams out of his eyes, hands, and antlers.
Spell Casting - Due to his over-abundance of mana, Curse Binder can create simple spells to achieve many effects when given practice.
Flight - Curse Binder can fly at great speeds, exceeding commercial planes with ease.
Magic Immunity - He is immune to magic based powers and artifacts.
Lack of Magical Interest - Whilst he has the potential to learn magic, Ben doesn’t really care to learn it in this form, so he can’t really do magic.