Chamalien is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Merlinisapien from the hidden planet Bogdalia.
Height - 6 Ft 5 In
Body - Reptilian
Advanced Camouflage - Chamalien is a chameleon-like alien that can visually blend into his surroundings by changing his scales to the colour and appearance of his environment. Effectively making him invisible
Malleable Body - His reptilian body is incredible agile and flexible, able to dodge attacks and jump at around 20 feet high.
Wall Crawling - His skin is covered in a mucus that allows him to stick to walls and ceilings.
Retractable Poisonous Barb - His tail can protrude a barb that injects its target with a lethal venom.
Hypnotic Voice - His voice is incredible soothing and hypnotic, entrancing anyone he talks to into whatever he wants them to do.
Various Visions - His three eyes can see a wide range of visions such as Infared, X-ray and Night Vision.
Amphibious Physiology - Chamalien can adapt to both land and water, making him an incredibly fast swimmer.
Light - Whilst he appears invisible, strong lights can reveal his shadow, exposing him to be seen.
Visible Materials - His invisible form can be revealed by a solid substance. Such as powder, paint, oil, and much more. The materials usually slips off from Chamalien after a few seconds.
Tracking - Beings with enhanced senses can track him, therefor revealing his appearance.