Buzzshock is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Nosedeenian from the Nosideen Quasar.
Height - 2 Ft
Body - Humanoid Battery
Electerokinesis - Buzzshock constantly generates large amounts of raw green electrical charges. Generating lighting and electrical blasts and in turn can also absorb high amounts of electricity from any source as well as redirect it as a conductor.
Technopathic - Buzzshock can inhabit electrical devices, controlling them from the inside, and in some cases powering them. He can animate and possess electrical machines as a result.
Electrical Teleportation - He can travel through electrical power lines for light speed transport.
Flight - He can fly by utilising electromagnetic levitation, usually leaving an electrical path behind.
Regeneration - He can grow back body parts when he is sliced or cut. He could potentially create a duplicate of himself, but he needs a lot of energy to do this.
Enhanced Strength - He can carry over 50 times his own weight.
Maniacal Personality - Due to his species, he has an eccentric personality that can often lead to danger when he doesn’t control himself.
Insulation - He is powerless when he’s insulated by rubber or glass.
Lack of Voice - His speech pattern consists of a series of high-pitched squeaking and chirping noises. Making him unintelligible to other beings.
Small Size - His small size can be a problem towards larger opponents.
Buzzshock powered up