Buzzecko is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Neonic Manzardill from the planet X’Nelli.
Height - 5 Ft
Body - Quadruped Reptile
Illuminated Body - Buzzecko’s body is bioluminescent and thus can glow in the dark. He can change his scales to a variety of primary colours for both camouflage and emotional expression. He can even use this as a form of misdirection and confusion.
Neon Beam - Buzzecko can fire a beam of neon-looking energy from his mouth. This beam is concussive and can knock back a car over several blocks with ease.
Enhanced Agility - Due to his lizard-like appearance, Buzzecko is extremely agile and flexible, able to climb on walls and crawl at a fast pace.
Slippery Body - Buzzecko is covered in a secreted mucus, this make shim incredibly slippery and slick.
Frail Body - Buzzecko’s reptilian body is susceptible to being physically overpowered by stronger opponents, he’s about as strong as a regular human.
Electromagnetic Pulse - Buzzecko’s scale changing can be interfered by strong magnets and electricity, this causes him to change colours uncontrollably and something painfully.