Bug Zapper
Bug Zapper is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Claress from the planet Jube IV.
Height - 5 Ft 6 In
Body - Humanoid Insect
Energy Plasmoid Generation - Bug Zapper can generate small but powerful energy plasmoids that explode like mini fireworks. These plasmoids are often used to blind enemies and distract them. These plasmoids also generate heat.
Heat Resistance - Bug Zapper’s exoskeleton is resistant to large amounts of heat and energy, easily surviving fire and laser blasts.
Flight - He possesses two large insectoid wings that allow him to fly at great speeds.
Enhanced Strength - Bug Zapper possesses incredible strength and durability. This strength also grants him the power to jump at great heights.
Energy Plasmoid Generation - Bug Zapper’s plasmoids are susceptible to being absorbed by enemies that possess that ability.
Heat Resistance - His plasmoids are also useless against those that are resistant to heat and energy.