Bubba Clump
Bubba Clump is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Polysachareed from the planet Won KV.
Height - 9 Ft
Body - Bulbous Humanoid
Gooey Body - Bubba Clump’s body is composed of a substance not dissimilar to chewed bubblegum. His physiology allows him to stick to places, have things stick to him, and turn himself into a living adhesive.
Shock Absorption - Bubba Clump can absorb the kinetic attacks of enemies without feeling pain. This also extends to falling from great heights.
Limited Elasticity - His body can stretch and deform to an extent. Stretching his limbs and even inflating himself like a balloon.
Durable Sphere Generation - Bubba Clump’s sphere are incredible durable, he can throw them with enough force to break concrete and bend steel.
Sticky Body - Bubba Clump’s body is incredibly sticky without control, causing debris and people to be unintentionally stuck.
Edible Body - Bubba Clump’s body is edible and tastes similar to Earth candy. But he cannot regenerate his lost gum.