Broot is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of a Flora Colossus from the planet Drez-Lar (Alternate Universe).
Height - 7 Ft 10 In
Body - Humanoid Tree
Enhanced Strength - Broot’s tree-like body grants him incredible strength, from breaking sturdy metal items to fighting other strong opponents and flailing around multiple enemies with comparative ease.
Elasticity - Broot’s vine can grow and alter the size of his body like a real plant but also retract it again at will. He can also grow and extend his arms, legs and fingers into vine-like tentacles to grab and restrain others.
Chlorokinesis - He can control nearby plant-life and grow giant tentacle-like vines to trap enemies and lift heavy objects.
Regeneration - Due to his plant-like body, he can regenerate and regrow any damaged or destroyed body parts, allowing him to grow back lost limbs, holes in his body, or even his head.
Light Generation - Broot can generate small fire-fly light orbs from his body that generate light.
Limited Speech - Broot can only say the words “I Am Broot” as his means of communication, only those who are close to Ben can understand what he is saying, even a Universal translator can’t translate.
Durability Limit - Due to being made out of wood and wines, Broot can be damaged by blunt force, energy attacks, and cutting tools. Whilst he can regenerate, those who are quick enough can immobilize him.
Fire - Being a plant-based alien, Broot is vulnerable to fire and other flammable substances.