Braindrain is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Ormerowon from the planet Anur Ormerow.
Height - 6 Ft 2 In
Body - Humanoid
Detachable Body Parts - Braindrain is a zombie-like alien can detach any part of his body with no negative side effects. Allowing them to act completely independent from his body freely.
Radiation Touch - Braindrain emits a light amount of Corrodium radiation, so he can touch different beings (mainly humans) to “infect” them with radiation, temporily turning them into zombies.
Enhanced Strength - Despite his frail appearance, Braindrain can lift incredible amounts of weight and he has a very durable anatomy.
Weak Joint-Connection - If he is struck hard enough, Braindrain's body parts will detach.
Dangerous Energy Emanation – The energy that Braindrain emanates can be very dangerous to some species.
Low Intellect - Braindrain has an incredibly low intellect, barely being able to form words and understand what is going on around him. He can focus, but it’s extremely hard.