Bloxx is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Segmentasapien from the planet Polyominus.
Height - 6 Ft (Vairable)
Body - Ape-Like
Shapeshifting - Bloxx is an organosillicon-based life form that is made up of millions of small block-like fragments. Bloxx constantly generates these “blocks” in order to change his shape into multiple things, such as a wall, catapult or a cage.
Elasticity - He can also extend his limbs and body to unbelievable lengths, this allows him to easily transfer big gaps and cover more ground when walking on his hands
Enhanced Durability - His concrete-like body is highly durable, able to withstand powerful physical blows, energy attacks, extremely high amounts of heat and radiation. His body is strong enough to lift a truck with ease.
Block Projectiles - Bloxx can shoot multiple rounds of his "blocks" in various sizes with the force of a machine gun. This projectiles are very blunt and are more like rock pellets rather than bullets or darts.
Body Segmentation - Bloxx can willingly detach parts of his body and control them as if they were attached. He can use this to get out of certain situations.
Structural Integrity Limit - Despite his shape-changing abilities, Bloxx can be broken when hit with enough force, but can easily rebuild himself right after.
Acid - Bloxx’s body is vulnerable to acidic substances, whether it be liquid or gaseous.