
  • Bite-Whole is the Omnitrx’s DNA sample of an Ederemancer from the planet Verdocourtia V.

    Height - 4 Ft Body - Humanoid Hare

  • Matter Ingestion - Bite-Whole’s stomach mouth can eat a wide variety of material. Including metal, stone, energy, fire, and much more.

    Elasticity - Bite-Whole’s mouth can stretch around a whole bus if it needs to. His arms are also capable of stretching to long limits.

    Heat Vision - His eyes emit a unique form of energy that can melt steel beams in seconds. This helps with breaking down his “food”.

    Atomic Belching - Any material he eats can be transformed into a radioactive belch. This gas wave can melt a large area in a minute.

  • Limited Stomach Size - While Bite-Whole can eat a lot, there is a maximum limit to how far his stomach can stretch.

    Limited Stretch Distance - Bite-Whole’s elasticity on his stomach and arms have a limit to about 10 meters.

    Uncontrollable Hunger - Bite-Whole is compelled to eat whatever material he sees. He can control it unless there is an over abundance, then his hunger takes over.

Originally Created by DomBombDiggity