Big Chill

  • Big Chill is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Necrofriggian from the planet Kylmyys.

    Height - 6 Ft 2 In Body - Winged Humanoid

  • Cryokinesis - Big Chill is capable of breathing a strong wind of vapour that can reduce the temperature surrounding it, creating large amounts of ice in the air to freeze targets and encase things in ice.

    Flight - Big Chill can levitate through the air like a ghost. By unfolding his wings he can fly even faster when flapping them.

    Intangibility - He can phase through solid matter with virtually no limit. He can even cause opponents and objects to freeze by phasing through them, though he can choose not to.

    Enhanced Strength - Big Chill is strong enough to carry multiple people while flying and even lift a car.

  • Intangible Opponents - Big Chill's intangibility is useless against opponents who can also turn intangible, as it will cancel out their abilities to do so.

    Electricity - Big Chill can be harmed by electricity as it can shock him and cancel out his intangibility.

    Octogenarian Reproduction Instincts - Big Chill is a genderless being who must breed asexually. Every 80 years or so, the Necrofiggian DNA overrides Ben and gives him a compulsive need to eat metal. Then he builds a nest and lays multiple eggs, once they hatch Ben gains control again.

Big Chill wrapped in his cloaked