Barnicade is the Omnitrix’s DNA sample of a Lorakian from the planet Kiusana.
Height - 7 Ft (Variable)
Body - Humanoid Coral-Reef
Coral Manipulation - Barnicade can manipulate his coral body to stretch and shape his own body to form organic constructs and create large clusters of coral such as walls and binds.
Enhanced Strength - His durable coral body grants him super strength, acting as a sort of armour.
Water Aided Body Growth - When he is contact with water, which he can breathe in, he can grow his coral exponentially and grow to the size of a building.
Regeneration - He can regenerate his coral at a fast rate.
Soft Skin - Whilst his coral is highly durable, his spongey skin is very susceptible to damage and is slow at regenerating.
Dehydration - If he is dehydrated, his coral will loose its strength and he will begin to tire.